Turn your website into maintenance mode – SEO friendly solution using .htaccess file

Here is a simple trick which enables to turn your website into maintenance mode using .htaccess file.

If you want to give an informative message saying “We are under maintenance”, create a custom HTML page containing the message and put it in the website root. For e.g., we create an HTML page called “under-maintenance.html” and place it inside the website root, so that we can access it through the URL http://www.yourdomain.com/under-maintenance.html

Setup status “503″ and header “Retry-After”

Depending on the maintenance duration, we also have to care about the search engines which may visit the website during maintenance. For doing this, we will send an http status code 503, “Service Unavailable”, along with the HTML page containing maintenance information. Also, we will inform search engines, visit the website only after the maintenance is completed.

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